Keep a checklist, if your partner does any of the following you may be at risk for abuse.
Does your partner...
Speak badly about other women or men in their life?
Have a bad temper?
Constantly find fault in you or others?
Always have to win? Is overly competitive with your time and attention?
Refuse to discuss their feelings and then blow up when you push the subject?
Disapprove of how you spend your money or how you dress?
Understand the difference between affection and sex?
Drive fast or do other things to scare you?
Accuse you of lying?
Demand to know where you are at all times?
Constantly become jealous or angry when you want to spend time with family or friends?
Make fun of other people and enjoy humour that embarrasses others including you?
Find it hard to say sorry?
Does not take no for an answer?
Threaten to harm you or themselves if you leave the relationship?
Twist the truth to make you feel like you are to blame for their actions?
Use the phrase "If you really loved me you would..."?
Call you offensive or derogatory names?
Humiliate you in front of other people?
Threaten you with physical violence, abandonment, or harm to others you love?
Express excessive jealousy over friends and family, especially friends of the opposite sex?
Isolate you from friends, family or your local community?
Threaten to 'out' you as a lesbian, gay, bisexual or whore or slut?
Become violent, paranoid or controlling while under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
Show violence towards other people or animals?